Bacherlor of Law



Learners will acquire specialized knowledge from one of the following optional disciplines: Criminal Law, Civil Law, Economic Law, and Administration - Constitution Law; get full understanding of theoretical knowledge and practical skills; develop independent thinking skills to settle professional issues of the society. Learners have full access to modern professional knowledge, updating new law issues, detecting and offering possible solutions.

Summary Detail

Fulltime: 4 years (8 semesters)

Total credit: 135 credits

Training Result

After graduation, learners will be able to:

- Work as civil servants in judicial agencies such as Court, Procuracy, Judgment execution, Judiciary, Police, Inspectorate office. After a working process and professional training, they will become professional staff of the following sectors:  Judge, Procurator, Executor, Inspector, Investigator, Expert.

- Work in State to local management agencies (People's Committees and subordinate agencies of the People's Committees, specialists of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, social organizations, public service agencies, etc);

- Take part in Independent professional activities such as opening Law Firm, Lawyer's Office, Notary Office ...

- Teach at universities, colleges, vocational education schools.